Can Consuming Alot of Glutathione Change Eye Color

Learn how to change your eye color naturally, temporally or permanently to blue, green, red, hazel, grey, gold or brown color. You can do this at home with honey, a makeup studio with eyeshadow, or in office by surgery or laser treatment. It is also possible to change your eye color with or without contacts just in 10 minutes. If you want to change your eye color in a picture, you can do it on a local computer or online using an app such as Photoshop. Also, some people believe that you can change your eye color with your mind or with a spell using a candle, but this is not a scientific but rather psychic phenomena.

Can You Change Your Eye Color?

Human eye color is determined by two main factors. One of the factors is the pigmentation of the iris of the eye's iris, which is determined by the concentration and quality of melanin in the iris. The other is the scattering of light by the cloudy medium within the iris of the eye, which is determined by the frequency of the light passing through it.

As such, the color of the eye may change when the frequency of light passing through it changes. In other words, if you change the lighting condition around you, your eye color is likely to change to some extent, especially lighter-colored eyes.

The natural eye color in humans is brown, blue, hazel, green, or gray. However, brown is the most common eye color as it is more dominant. Generally, eyes with a lot of melanin are naturally darker while those with less melanin are lighter they'll be.

Can you change your eye color
Can you change your eye color

Your eye color matures fully during infancy and remains permanent for the rest of your life. However, you can change your eye color temporarily or permanently in various ways. One of the most popular ways to change your eye color is to wear contact lenses. Still, there are any other ways of changing your eye color without contacts.

How to Change Your Eye Color Naturally in 10 Minutes

It might not be very practical to change your eye color naturally in ten minutes. However, there quick techniques to help you change your eye color in 10 minutes or less, although this may not be natural as such.

Probably, the fasted way to really change your eye color is to wear contact lenses. An alternative to this is to apply an appropriate eyeshadow to bring out the impression of the eye color you desire to have.

How to Change Your Eye Color Temporarily

Sometimes, it may need to alter the color of your eye temporarily. For example, you may do this when you want to have a certain look for a particular occasion such as the Halloween Celebrations.

There are various ways in which you can change your eyes temporarily. Use of eye contacts is probably the most effective and reasonably safe way to change your eye temporarily. However, you can also change your eye color temporarily using honey or eyeshadow makeup.

1. How to Change Your Eye Color Using Contact Lenses

Wearing colored contact lenses is probably the easiest and most common way of changing your eye color temporarily. With this technique, choice of color is very and the procedure can be carried out in seconds or minutes.

Undoubtedly, wearing contact lenses is the most color flexible method of changing your eye color With this technique you can change your eye color to almost any color you want, including blue, green, red hazel, violet, gray, gold and brown colors.

Colored contacts for brown eyes before and after

There are different types of contact lenses with different durations of use. Ensure that you follow the instructions concerning the use of contact lenses as you will be advised by the doctors.

Contact lenses should be used strictly for the duration indicated and they cannot be shared. They should be regularly cleaned handled carefully with clean hands. Avoid wearing them when it is not necessary. There are three common tints of colored contact lenses available for use.

Opaque Tint: This tint of contact lenses offer a complete color change because they are solid and not transparent. The popular opaque contact lenses include blue, hazel, green, violet, gray, amethyst and brown.

Enhancement tint: This tint of contact lenses has a solid transparent color that boosts your natural eye color. They used to emphasize the intensity of your eye color and define the edges of your iris, making your, making your eye color stand out.

Visibility Tint: This tint of contact lenses only emphasizes your natural eye color rather than actually changing it. The common visibility tint contact lenses have faint light blue or light green streaks.


It is not advisable to purchase decorative lenses in stores or online without a prescription. The American Optometric Association recommends purchasing contact lenses on prescription while The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies contact lenses as medical devices that require a prescription before purchase.

Purchasing decorative contact lenses without prescription can increase your risk of experiencing the following symptoms.

  • itchy, watery eyes and other allergic reactions
  • corneal abrasion (a scratch on the outer layer of the eye)
  • blurred vision
  • loss of vision

These symptoms indicate a problem caused by the eye contacts, including a possible infection. Therefore, you need to see your doctor immediately you experience eye redness, eye pain, eye discharge or any vision after wearing contact lenses, whether prescribed or not.

2. How to Change Your Eye Color with Honey

Honey has many medicinal properties, including antibacterial and antifungal properties.  For this reason, it has long been used as a home remedy for the treatment of many skin problems, including eye infections and traumatic injuries.

Naturally, honey also contains a small quantity of a hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent. As such, it acts as a bleaching agent that that can be used to lighten color.

When honey is placed in the eye, the hydrogen peroxide in the honey slightly bleaches the pigmentation of the iris, thereby changing its color. Basically, honey changes eye color by lightening it. Therefore, it is useful to those who have darker eyes and would like to lighten them.

How to Lighten Your Eye with Honey

When using honey to lighten your eyes, you have to be very careful with the type of honey to use. Use raw organic honey such as Manuka honey, which many of those who have used say it works very well. Avoid highly commercialized brands of honey which may contain impurities.

  • Combine 1 part of honey with 5 parts distilled water (ratio of 1:5)
  • Stir the mixture well to form a uniform solution
  • Place the mixture in a clean dropper
  • Carefully apply 2-3 drops in each of your eyes
  • Repeat this procedure two times a day for a few days to lighten your eyes

NB: Store the remaining honey solution in a cool dark place for further treatment

Side Effects of Honey.

Despite being a natural substance, use of honey can lead to some side effects when it is used to lighten eyes. Honey has a PH value of about 3.9, which means it is acidic in nature.

Therefore, if used in high concentrations, it can irritate your eyes. However, this can be checked by ensuring that you adequately dilute honey with clean water before using it in this procedure.

3. How to Change Your Color with Makeup (Eyeshadow)

Although you cannot use eye makeup such as eyeshadow to actually alter your eye color, you can use it to emphasize your natural eye color. This will 'technically' change your eye color by creating a different impression of the appearance of your natural eye color.

You can change your eye color by applying an appropriate eyeshadow
You can change your eye color by applying an appropriate eyeshadow

By choosing the right eyeshadow, you are able to make your eyes appear brighter, duller, or paler in color. Some eye colors such as hazel and grey are able to give your eye color quite a different impression.

However, the change you can make on your eye color using eyeshadow may be limited to your actual eye color. Here are some suggested ideas that you can use to enhance and change the appearance of your eye color using eyeshadow makeup:

  • To enhance the appearance of blue eyes, use orange-tinted colors, such as coral and champagne to make your eyes appear brighter and bluer.
  • If you have brown eyes, you can make them look brighter using eyeshadows with cool colors such as purple and blue.
  • To get a bluish tint for grey eyes, use bluish eyeshadows such as copper, melon, neutral brown, orange, peach, or salmon shades
  • To get a greenish tint for your grey eyes, stick with greenish eyeshadows such as maroon, pink, plum, purple, red-brown, or wine shades
    If you have green eyes, wear purple or brown eyeshadows to look vibrant
    If you have green eyes, wear purple or brown eyeshadows to look vibrant
  • In case you want to bring out gray tones out of your naturally grey eyes, choose eye shadows with sooty or smoky shades such as silver, charcoal, and black.
  • If you have green eyes, wear purple or brown eyeshadows, which will contrast with the green pigment and make them appear much brighter and more vibrant.
  • In case you have hazel eyes use bronze, dusty pink, or eggplant eyeshadows to bring out the green and gold flakes present in hazel eyes and you will look great.

Note that the overall appearance of your eyes will also depend on how you apply the suggested eyeshadows. Hence you may need a professional beautician to help you get your desired appearance.

How to Change Eye Color Naturally with Food (Diet)

Can you use food and diet to change your eye color? Not actually. However, certain foods that have medicinal properties and vital nutrients that can help to slightly alter your eye color. This is basically possible when your natural eye color is affected by certain eye infections, diseases, poor nutrition or general poor health.

Essentially, these foods can help restore your health, including your eye health by providing vital nutrients and curing infections and diseases. When you regain your good health, eye color will also revert to its natural appearance. Common foods that can change your eye color when they are properly factored in your diet include:

Consume honey to change your eye color
Consume honey to change your eye color to its natural color
  • ginger
  • meat
  • spinach
  • fish
  • honey
  • nuts
  • onions
  • olive oil
  • uva ursi tea
  • chamomille tea

How to Change Your Eye Color Permanently

You can change your eye color permanently in various ways. They include iris implant surgery and laser treatment.

1. How to Change Your Eye Color by Surgery

A procedure known as Iris implant surgery can be used to change your eye color permanently. This procedure was initially developed to treat eye conditions caused by physical eye injuries or medical problems. They include aniridia, (entire iris missing) and coloboma, (partial iris is missing).

However, the procedure is now increasingly being used for cosmetic purposes. People undergo this procedure to just change their eye color without there being any medical problem with their natural iris.

The procedure involves making a small incision in the cornea of the eye and then inserting a silicone-based artificial iris that is initially folded to fit in the slit made. It is then unfolded under the small incision to cover the original iris. To reduce the pain during the procedure, a local anesthesia is typically used.

The complications associated with this surgery include partial or complete blindness, swelling of the cornea, cornea injury, glaucoma, cataracts, and uveitis.

Note: The safety and effectiveness of iris implant surgery are not guaranteed as it is a relatively new and controversial practice. It needs to scrutinize by further medical research before it is approved.

2. How to Change Your Eye Color by Laser Treatment

You can change your eye color permanently by laser treatment, a technique that was developed by the Stroma Medical Cooperation, a California based company.  The company pioneered a laser system that agitates the pigmentation in irises, revealing the clear blue eyes underneath.

Basically, this laser procedure works by eliminating the brown melanin that constitutes the anterior layers of the iris. The process is carried out in 30 seconds, and it takes two weeks for the eyes become blue. The approximated cost of this treatment is $5,000 (£3,400).

The procedure involves applying a computer-guided, low-energy laser to the iris to disrupt the brown pigment. A specific laser frequency is passed through the clear cornea of the eye and is then selectively absorbed by the dark pigment covering the iris.

As a result, the body initiates a natural and gradual two-week process of removing the darkly pigmented tissue. After this process, light can now enter the eye fibers and scatter to reflect back only the shortest wavelengths, making the eye appears blue.

Note: The safety and effectiveness of eye color change by laser treatment is not guaranteed as it is a relatively new and controversial practice. It needs to scrutinize by further medical research before it is approved.

How to Change Your Eye Color with Your Mind

Changing your eye color with your mind is a psychic rather than a scientific phenomenon. As such it cannot be done or explained using explicit scientific principles. It is based on Biokinesis, which is the ability manipulate one's genes (DNA) using the psychic powers.

Before you can change your eye color using your mind, you have to learn biokinesis with regard to eye color change by meditation. Upon learning Biokinesis, you will be able to control your subconscious mind to manipulate your genes to regulate the amount of melanin in your iris. This will control the way light passes in your iris, hence change your eye color.

It is believed that using your mind with the help of Biokinesis, you are only able to change your eye color to blue, green or brown only. Therefore, if you need to change your eye color to other colors, you have to use other means because you cannot do this with your mind. There are various techniques used in Biokinesis:

Biokinesis technique 1

While your eyes are closed, before bed or just after waking up, imagine that when you open them your eye color will be slowly changing to the color you wish.

Alternatively, you can visualize a creature with the desired color eye is moving towards you and gets absorbed by you, transferring its eye color to your eyes.

Repeat this daily for a while and look yourself in the mirror during the day time, imaging and feel and convincing yourself that your eye color has already changed to the desired color. Keep doing this every day until you actually make it

Biokinesis technique 2

With your eyes closed, before bed or just after waking up, imagine that the quantity of melanin in your eyes is increasing or decreasing.

Instead, you can imagine your eye pupil is becoming smaller or bigger. Repeat this process daily until you get the color change desired.

The way you imagine will give you the color you wish. In both cases, more concentration leads to brown color and least quantity of melanin leads to blue color. If you balance the two in between you will get green color.

How long does it take to change your eye color with your mind? There is no straight answer to this question. But it is believed that the stronger your belief, the more effective the process and hence the faster you get the results.

It is believed that learning Biokinesis is unsafe as it actually changes your genetic composition. Also, it is believed that once you start the process, you cannot abandon it, as this is considered dangerous.

Note: This procedure is basically based on psychic power and hence may be more of a theory than practice.

Can the Eye Color Change with Time?

The answer to this question is cannot definite. Usually, the pigment melanin that determines your eye color hardly undergoes any change as you grow up, after infancy.

However, research has found that eye color can change in rare cases due to injury or genetic variation.

Heterochromia refers to a condition in which the eye has two different colors, usually caused by an injury or trauma to the eye.  However, the condition may in rare cases be caused by a birth defect such as Waardenburg syndrome, Parry-Romberg syndrome, Sturge-Weber syndrome or congenital Horner's syndrome.

How to Change Your Eye Color in a Picture with Photoshop

If you have a picture and you would like to change the eye color in the picture, you can do this easily using a Photoshop application. The procedure involves easy steps and you will be able to change the eye color in less than 10 minutes. You just need a computer with Photoshop installed, and the image of the picture to be edited on the computer.

You can change your eye color in picture with Photoshop app
You can change your eye color in picture with Photoshop app

Basically, the procedure involves manipulating the eye color in the image using Photoshop tools that constitute the Photoshop application. In case you are unable to change the eye color in Photoshop, follow the simple and clear procedure that is outlined in this post.

How to Change Your Eye Color in a Picture with an Online App

You can also change your eye color in a picture online. With a good online application, you can change your eye color in a picture to blue red, green, hazel or any other color you want.  All you will need is a computer with an internet connection. You also need the image of the picture you want to edit on the computer.

The first step is to look for an appropriate online photo editor application with eye color correction feature. It should be easy and convenient to use. There are so many online application that can be used to change your eye color both free and premium. You can try Lunapic, Ribbet, and Itunes.

Once you have selected a good online application, you will need to upload the picture to the online application. The next step is to changing eye color by editing the picture following the procedure for that application, which is often included in the application itself.

You can change your eye color with an online app
You can change your eye color with an online app

But in case there are no directions and are unable to use the application without assistance search for the procedure online – they are always available. Lastly, after changing the eye color, you will need to download the edited picture back to your computer and that is it.

How to Change Your Eye Color with a Spell Using a Candle

Some people believe that you can change your eye color with a spell that is performed when some candles are lit. However, there are no scientific facts in the technique, which apparently use psychic powers.  Here are two suggested procedures for changing your eye color.

Procedure 1

  • Close your eyes and cover them with your hands.
  • Imagine your eye color is flowing into your hands and is slowly being replaced by a bright white light.
  • Visualize a pool of water with the color you want your eyes to have.
  • Dip your hands in the pool of water and use them to wipe your eyes
  • This procedure will slowly replace the bright white light with the color intended.

The candle is used to help you concentrate. The more you concentrate the longer the color will stay.

Procedure 2

  • At night, light two candles, one orange and another pink
  • Close your eyes and completely focus and concentrate on the spell only
  • Fill your mind with the color your eyes are and visualize it for about five minutes.
  • Now visualize the color you want your eyes to change to
  • Chant, "Become of me'' Three times.
  • Repeat this procedure two times and you will see changes during the next day the day.

This spell should be performed night with a two lit candles one orange and the other pink

Note: This procedure is basically based on psychic power and hence may be more of a theory than practice.


The best option for changing your eye color is to use temporary techniques which are not invasive, such as contacts lenses. Although wearing contacts may also come with some risks, they are generally less severe and without adverse consequences.

Permanent eye color change is not recommended because it might lead to unprecedented side effects, including partial or total blindness. In addition, with permanent eye color change, you may not be able to revert to your original eye color if you so wish.

Sources and References
  1. How to Change Your Eye Color:
  2. How to Change Your Eye Color:
  3. Eye Color Changing Spells:
  4. How to Change Your Eye Color With Honey – The Ultimate Guide:
  5. Biokinesis – Techniques To Change Your Eye Color Using Mind:
  6. Change Eye Color In An Image With Photoshop:
  7. op 10 Foods that change eye color in 60 days:
  8. Radical technique claims to permanently change iris color:

Can Consuming Alot of Glutathione Change Eye Color


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